How-to Articles

Submission Guidelines

Previously published articles.

If you have a previously published how-to article that is languishing on your hard drive, then consider adding it to this growing collection.   Here's seven excellent reasons why you should:

  1. Your article will once again be accessible to the public, and it won't be a memory after a month.
  2. You will gain another source of  PR, another site with your name on it -- which means your name will appear in search engines.
  3. I will add a link back to your website.  I'll also add a short bio paragraph.
  4. If you don't have a website, I'll add an email link, and a list of major publishing credits.
  5. The articles page sees some of the heaviest traffic on my site, and the number of page views a day climbs steadily.  Guest articles receive the lion's share of hits.
  6. Submission is easy and response is quick.  Email me your article -- yes, I'll take attachments, and can handle almost every WP format.  Send it, and I'll let you know if I can't open it.  
  7. I do reject articles that I don't feel will genuinely help writers.  Your article, if it's selected, won't be buried beneath a huge collection of mediocre articles.  

I'm looking for articles that will help a writer with their career.  Topics include writing techniques, career & time managements, marketing and promotion, and more.  I have a natural bias towards articles that deal with fiction, especially novel-writing, but I'll take articles on any category of writing  I'm not interested in op-ed or opinion pieces, or articles that have a strong negative attitude.  Upbeat, positive, "you can do it!" themes work best.  Short, practical, information-rich articles work best.  I'll look at any length up to 1,500 words.

Submission:  Email the article to me as an attachment.  In your covering email, please state:

  1. Title of Article
  2. Subject of the article
  3. Word count
  4. Your pen name
  5. Your real name
  6. Where the article previously appeared
  7. Format of the attachment.
  8. Your website URL (or let me know you only have email access)
  9. A brief 50 word bio

Unpublished articles.

I wish I could offer payment for articles.  Truly!  But at this stage, I can't.  Do try to find a paying market for your work, first.  However, if you feel strongly that having your article appear on my page is of benefit beyond a pay cheque (and there are some very good subsidiary benefits -- see the list, above), I'm happy to add it to the collection.

Please follow the guidelines for published articles.

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