Tracy Cooper-Posey

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My favourite books

What I've read, what I'm reading now, 
what's worth going back for another look.

For readers. For Writers

For Readers


Timeline by Michael Crichton  

The movie, I'm told, is terrible.  An observant movie-goer says that the editors left most of the story on the cutting room floor.  But ... the book should be different (I'm on page 80 -- I'm interested, so far).  I'm a history buff, so I'm kinda curious to see what Crichton does with the historical scenes.  There's one thing that Crichton is brilliant at: that's picking up a fantastic plot, weaving into it state of the art science, and making it sound plausible.  It gives all his stories that ring of believability -- this really could happen. 

The book hooked my 15-year-old son, who is now off investigating Quantum Mechanics for himself. 

The Seducer by Madeline Hunter

Not a bad read, so far.. I like the mystery Hunter has inserted concerning the heroine's past and the questions it raises about the hero's connection to that past.  I'm hoping the mystery isn't as obvious as it feels right now.  I'll let you know when I've finished it.



Key Of Light by Nora Roberts

This is the first book of a series, and while it's well written and holds my attention, I'm again wondering if the premise of the series is as obvious as it seems to me right now (I'm a few chapters in).  However, Nora Roberts has surprised me before, so I'm waiting and hoping she does so again.



Past Reads

The Lord Of The Rings by J.R.R. Tolkein, various editions.

I'm on my almost-annual trek through Lord of the Rings. For a few years I didn't get to read it, as my library was reduced to nothing when I moved to Canada.  But I have the set now, and I'm halfway through The Two Towers.  The movie, I'm glad to say, merely enhances the reading.  Because of the movie's popularity, I don't have to explain why I love this book anymore.  




For Writers

Bestseller Secrets of Successful Writing by Celia Brayfield

The Amazon page for this book is full of glowing reports on the success other authors have had using the book as a guideline.  I'm a third of the way through it, and still wondering if I'm going to hear anything new -- or even a new perspective on hoary old subjects.  Given the drooling on the Amazon page I may reread it with a more expectant attitude, but so far the book has sat open on my desk for a few days, untouched while I got sucked in by other novels.  Nothing's dragged me back to it yet.

How To Write Fast, While Writing Well by David Fryxell, Writers' Digest Books, Oct 1992

This is a return visit to a classic how-to.  It's also another book I've re-acquired since moving to Canada, and I had a struggle to find it. Finally, I tracked down one of the last copies, held by Writers' Digest themselves (it's one of their titles), and had to do some fast talking to get them to let me buy it, too.  It's a great read, and I find that now, several years on into my professional writing career, more and more of the information has become relevant and useful.  If you can track down a copy, even on loan from a library, it's worth the trouble.  I've since discovered that are holding onto a few new and used copies, too. (Click on the title, if you're interested).


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